How do you model your expertise and experience to the world?

Modelling, let’s move away from the act of walking on a stage to present fashion - it’s showing who you are by your deeds, words and behaviours.

This is not passive; I’m not talking about is waiting for someone to realise that you are doing good work. Unfortunately, this is something that happens with women all too often.

No, I mean being certain in who you are, true to yourself, your grown expertise, and modelling it to the world.

It also includes (horrors of horrors) positioning, branding and promoting yourself.

This feels very inauthentic to many women. “Can’t I just been seen for who I am and be taken seriously as the elder I am?”

This where we need to find that authenticity of positioning. 

If you are an introvert, use your one-on-one relationships and your technical super skills to demonstrate your value. Write about your thoughts and work. Model and teach in your workplace your skills, and show others how to be a professional.

Extroverts in some ways we have it easier; we are more likely to put ourselves out there. We write, speak, network more naturally, but we also need to walk the walk. Being an elder is not being a self-promoter, it’s about having the wisdom to listen, reflect, apply and show others the way.

 So how do you model your elderhood?


Introducing Career Architecture


Grown and grounded in your experience